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July 26, 2018

Battling Brown Patch in the Transition Zone

Battling Brown Patch in the Transition Zone

Record Temps are Not Helping

Major things are happening all across the Transition zone, the zone that can grow all types of turf grasses but struggles to grow them well… Temperatures went from being cooler than normal to one of the hottest Mays into July on record.

Brown Patch is On the Rise

Brown-PatchAs weather changes, it’s important for superintendents to watch for turf diseases before they become an issue. With that said, brown patch has gone crazy.  The amount of disease activity has been different across the zone depending on the amount of rain.  The Midwest has been extremely dry and curbed some of the disease activity, while other areas have been wet and humid.  With the dry conditions many people have watering at night which accents the disease activity.


Prevention and Control Solutions

quali-pro-strobe-pro-gQuali-Pro has several fungicides that can both prevent brown patch from causing infections and damage as well as control it if it has already started.  The Strobe fungicides (Azoxystrobin) is excellent for both preventing and curing brown patch.  The latest additions to the Strobe fungicide family are Strobe Pro and Strobe Pro G.  These are a combination of Azoxystrobin and Propiconazole.  Both of these products are labelled for golf course turf and residential turf.  The Strobe Pro G is a easy alternative for lawn care to be able to treat localized areas without having to load a tank.

Always read any pesticide label thoroughly before use, and for additional information, visit or contact your Quali-Pro Area Manager.

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Chris Butcher

Quali-Pro Southeast Territory Manager

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