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June 18, 2018

How To Prepare Your Golf Greens for Fall

How To Prepare Your Golf Greens for Fall

If you’re a golf course superintendent that loves early preparation for your course and is looking to get a head start on Fall Poa Management, Quali-Pro has a great Poa management program to get you started in the right direction.

Poa annua

It might be a little early for the application, however it’s a good time to start planning for this application in September – October. For a pre-emergent to be effective it needs to be applied prior to the germination of seed. Poa germination can occur in certain areas even in mid to late August and is highly dependent on the environmental conditions for each year. Frequently soil temps will start to drop and Poa will begin to germinate. Due to environmental stress poa will not generally grow out in the canopy for another 30-60 days when temps have fallen inline for more favorable growing temps. A combination of a post and pre-emergent will generally give higher rates of success and prevent additional applications needed to clean up winter grassy weeds.

Negate® 37WG Herbicide

Negate Herbicide

The combination of Negate 37 WG Herbicide ith a Pre-emergent such as, Prodiamine or Dithiopyr will eliminate fall and winter weeds that will compete with your desired turf base. Negate not only offers superior winter grassy weed control but also controls many broadleaf weeds at a price that no other tank mix or combination of herbicides can offer.  Quali-Pro is committed to helping you keep your course at its best without compromising your budget.

Visit for more high-quality, high-value products.

Jake Wylie

Quali-Pro Mid-South Territory Manager

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