Preparing Turf for Snow Mold Season

Record heat and humidity has effected most parts of the country and Snow Mold season is right around the corner! Below are some tips on preparing your turf and how to identify the disease.

Cultural Control

The following steps can be taken in the fall to reduce the chances of turf loss due to Snow Mold.

  • Mow late into the fall and keep turf height low. This will reduce the chances of turf mating.
  • Keep turf area clean by removing leaves, pine needles and clippings.
  • Reduce areas of drifting snow and do not pile snow on desirable turf areas.
  • Reduce mid-fall nitrogen usage. High levels of nitrogen in the soil can increase disease severity.
  • Select tolerant turf such as Kentucky Bluegrass or Fine Fescue. Bentgrass and Perennial Rye are most susceptible.

Characteristics of Snow Mold

There are 2 main types of Snow Mold (Pink and Gray), each having unique characteristics and control strategies.  As its name suggests, Pink Snow Mold appears after snow melt, displaying pink circular patches of matted grass.  Typically, only the leaves are effected but left untreated Pink Snow Mold can attack crowns and cause turf loss.  Gray Snow Mold requires snow cover to develop.  Circular patches up to 12” in diameter appear on closely mown turf, becoming up to 24” on taller turf.   Duration of snow cover will determine the severity of damage, less than 60 days and damage likely will be mild.  Snow cover exceeding 60 days and turf loss will increase as the disease progresses into the crowns of the plant.

EnclaveQuali-Pro has exceptional solutions for chemical control as well, check out our tips on Snow Mold treatments for your turf and how to maximize your fungicide performance.

Paul Blodorn

Quali-Pro Northeast Territory Manager

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