Eraser Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate contains the active ingredient glyphosate. It is a non-selective, broad-spectrum product – it will kill virtually any growing plant that you spray it on. (See the product label for a list of all plants controlled.) When Eraser is applied to actively growing plants, it’s taken up by the foliage and moves to the roots and growing points, stopping growth and killing the plant. Eraser works slowly; it can take up to 2 weeks for plants to be completely killed.
Eraser has no activity in soil; it must be applied to the foliage of actively growing plants to be effective. The lack of soil activity also means that Eraser has no residual activity, and it will not affect nearby untreated plants. Treated areas may be replanted 1 – 3 days after application of Eraser (see label for details).
Eraser Max Super Concentrate Herbicide contains glyphosate, as well as another active ingredient, imazapyr. This makes Eraser Max a very different product in several important ways:
Because of this, there are some important precautions to follow when applying Eraser Max:
Eraser Max is ideal for fence rows, gravel paths, sidewalks, driveways, parking areas and around farm buildings and barns - places you don't want anything to grow. One application kills weeds for up to one year.