Ticks are unpopular, bloodsucking ectoparasites that are of utmost public health concern. Because of this, PMPs should be knowledgeable in tick identification, biology, and effective control strategies. Below we share some FAQs we often get about these pesky parasites:
What time of year are ticks most prevalent?
In general, tick activity and disease incidents rise and peak during the warmer months of the year. While some ticks may be encountered year-round, the period from April to September tends to be the highest level of activity in the US. During this time, ticks are most abundant and actively seeking hosts for blood meals that fuel their growth and reproduction.
Where are ticks commonly found?Ticks are often found in grassy, low-growing, or brushy vegetation bordering trails and tree lines, or in other overgrown or wooded areas. It’s also not uncommon to find ticks in yards, landscapes, and leaf litter around the home or neighborhood. Brown dog ticks are notably unique, however, because they can complete their life cycle from egg to adult both indoors and outdoors.
Do all life stages of ticks feed on blood?Yes, from the time they hatch, ticks require a bloodmeal at every life stage (larva, nymph, and adult) to grow and survive.
How does a tick find a host to feed on?Ticks do not fly or jump, so they depend on a unique travel method called “questing” to climb aboard their host. With their hind legs holding onto a blade of grass or a leaf, they stretch out their first pair of legs and wait for an unsuspecting host to grab onto as it strolls by.
What diseases are transmitted by ticks?There are numerous pathogens carried and transmitted by ticks that can cause human disease such as Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tickborne relapsing fever, and tularemia to name a few. According to the CDC, Lyme disease is the number one most common vector-borne disease in the country.
What product from CSI is effective against ticks?DuraFlex ZC contains three active ingredients and was developed to help PMPs manage a wide range of tough pests, including ticks. The combination of bifenthrin, novaluron, and pyriproxyfen offers three unique and effective modes of action, making DuraFlex a go-to solution for managing tick populations.