Arachnids, or spiders, generate a significant amount of fear in our customers. Those that suffer from arachnophobia may have very little tolerance for any spiders around the home. While elimination of all web and spider activity is nearly impossible, we can reduce spider pressure around structures. Effective communication is key when dealing with the potential presence of venomous spiders, or to help alleviate the fear of spiders since most do not pose a significant health threat.
How do you reduce webs around a structure?
Use a vacuum or de-webbing tool to eliminate spiders, their egg sacs, and their webs around structures. The removal of spider evidence, like old webbing, can give the client some peace of mind and confidence in the service. Spiders are just trying to catch food with their webbing, but they are unslightly around homes and annoying to walk into accidentally.
What spiders are most commonly encountered by people?
PMPs encounter hunting and web-building species most often. Spider hunting and their predatory nature is characterized in four ways: (1) web builders (like orb-weavers and widow spiders), (2) active hunters (like wolf spiders), (3) burrowers (like tarantulas), and (4) ambushers (like crab spiders).
Are “Daddy longlegs” really dangerous?
It is a myth that daddy longlegs are extremely venomous but can’t bite – they have relatively weak venom. Two types of spiders are commonly referred to as daddy longlegs. Cellar spiders (family Pholcidae) are a web-building, long-legged, urban spider species commonly referred to as daddy longlegs as well as Opiliones (or harvestmen).
What CSI product are effective against spiders?
A perimeter application of Fuse or Cyzmic CS can greatly reduce spider prey around a structure. By targeting spider’s food source, you can help reduce the amount of spider activity. Additionally, applications of D-FENSE dust or an aerosol product like D-FENSE NXT in cracks and crevices, around window or door frames, and anywhere spiders tend to hide is an excellent option for a more targeted spider application.
Technical Services Manager PCO Product Development