Southern Zone Insects, Weeds and Active Diseases

The Transition from Cold to Hot

The south is in full swing. You name it and it’s happening there. Insects are on the move, diseases are active, and weeds are showing up. This is the time of year when superintendents are promoting the emergence of bermudagrass from dormancy to active growth. Many areas of the south have seen loss of bermudagrass from the cold winter temperatures. Even if actual loss did not occur, bermudagrass in many areas is slower to green up and resume growth.

Poa annua

Competing for Room to Grow

Anything that competes with the bermudagrass will slow the green up. Two major weeds are poa annua and ryegrass. If you have either or both of these weeds, Negate is the herbicide of choice.

Negate® Herbicide

Negate Herbicide Bottle

Negate is a combination of two SU herbicides, Rimsulfuron and Metsulfuron methyl (MSM). University research has shone that Negate at a rate of 1.5 oz./acre does an excellent job in removing these weeds and many more without having an adverse effect on the transition and green up of the bermudagrass.

Quali-Pro Team

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