Strobe Pro G Granular Fungicide is a combination of two broad spectrum, preventative and curative fungicides with systemic properties for the control of many important turfgrass diseases.
All markets can easily use Strobe® Pro G without making a complete tank mix.
LCO’s can treat localized portions of a home lawn.
Smaller sport turf facilities that do not have large spray equipment, now have an affordable means to treat most common turf diseases.
Golf courses can treat individual greens when the spray equipment is being used for other applications.
Use Sites:
Golf Courses, Lawns and Landscape Areas Around Residential, Institutional, Public, Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Parks, Recreational Areas, Athletic Fields
Effective Against:
Foliar, Stem and Root Diseases such as Leaf and Stem Blights, Dollar Spot, Leaf Spots, Patch Diseases, Anthracnose, Fairy Rings, Mildews, Molds and Rusts Of Turfgrass