Small flies include fruit flies, hump-backed or mausoleum flies, drain flies, moth flies, and fungus flies. When inspecting a structure with a small fly problem the number 1 rule is to follow the water. In general, flies need an aquatic or semi-aquatic habitat as well as a food source to complete their development. Sometimes the moisture source is out of the ordinary, such as a plumbing leak, a broken pipe, poor cleaning habits, or damp rags or buckets left and forgotten.
Drains and other water removal areas are an obvious place, but where else can a PMP check? Potted plant mix, overripe fruit forgotten in a cabinet or drawer, or a bag of potatoes or other produce, forgotten in a storage area can harbor fly populations.
Often finding the source of the flies means following your nose. Where can you detect an “off” odor? Follow the source of the odor, where bacteria is probably breeding, and that will often lead to the source of the flies as well.
Inspect the bottoms of trash and recycle bins, under any trash can bags/liners for moist organic material. In bar areas, underneath mats and behind wash sinks are common areas flies breed. Don’t overlook the small sources, such as broken or missing grout, cracks & voids, or refrigerator drip pans.
Flies such as moth flies and humped back flies tend to breed in dirty water, such as the sewer. Be sure to ask about and inspect areas where gray water can collect and breed flies. Other areas these flies can breed include compost, bathroom drains and leaky plumbing.
Small fly control is largely dependent on sanitation, cleaning and cooperation with the customer, manager, housekeeping, and/or staff; PMPs cannot get results without this cooperation. In commercial situations, customer complaints, unfortunately, can drive this cooperation with PMP recommendations. The PMP must be ready to provide numerous follow up visits and ongoing IPM inspections and recommendations.
Tekko® Pro can be applied as a space spray, general surface spray when the kitchen is not in operation as well as a crack & crevice application when the facility is in operation.
A regular cleaning schedule can help tremendously, but what products can provide long term control in these areas? Tekko Pro is labeled to use in food handling areas as well as drains of kitchens and restaurants. It can be applied as a space spray, general surface spray when the kitchen is not in operation as well as a crack & crevice application when the facility is in operation. Be sure to avoid contact with any food handling services or wash them thoroughly before food comes in contact. Tekko Pro can also be applied directly into soil of potted plants to control fungus gnat populations. With the combination of active ingredients in Tekko Pro, you can affect all immature stages of the fly’s life cycle from hatch to adult by interfering with each molt and sterilizing the adult insects. Additionally, it can last up to 7 months indoors, providing long term control.
As always, when using any pesticide product, be sure to read and follow all label instructions.
Technical Services Manager PCO Product Development