Maintaining quality turf in the transition zone has definitely been a challenge this summer. With abnormally cooler temperatures going into summer and enduring the scorching hot summer months, you can conclude nature has created some turf stress!
Proper Measures Taken in the Fall Pay Dividends in the Spring. Here is what we suggest to keep your greens looking their best, especially as they begin to brown and go dormant. Extending the aesthetic appearance for those fall rounds is essential; we recommend two products, Quali-Pro’s Foursome Turf Pigment for excellent turf enhancement and T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator, which is used to manage growth and improve quality and stress tolerance of warm- and cool-season turf grasses.
For optimum disease prevention and control, Quali Pro has the lineup Superintendents need to keep their turf disease FREE in the final days of summer and for fall preparations for a beautiful spring reveal. Make sure to add Enclave® Flowable Fungicide to your rotation, a Combination Chemistry® product with multiple modes of action. Enclave prevents diseases at the point of contact and systemically through the plant and is an excellent source for snow mold prevention.
Quali-Pro’s Strobe Family is also a first-rate choice for control of fungal diseases such as cool-season brown patch, and leaf spot seen in the fall months. Add Strobe Pro and Strobe Pro G to your rotation program, which contains two broad spectrum, preventative and curative fungicides with systemic properties, Azoxystrobin and Propiconazole. These two actives work together to control many important turfgrass diseases.