Quali-Pro Imidacloprid reduces root damage in turf grass with powerful control of root-feeding insect larvae, which can also reduce damage caused by the rodents that forage on them.
This product is no longer available for purchase.Product must be used by May 19, 2024.
Group 4 Insecticide
13.6 kg bag (80 bags/pallet)
Same Active Ingredient As:
Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from feed and foodstuffs, and out of the reach of children and animals.
Multi-site, contact, preventative
Turf grass, including sod farms.
56 kg per ha or 22.7 kgs per acre.
Imidacloprid provides foliar and systemic insect control in turfgrass at low use rates, with application flexibility and great value. Imidacloprid is absorbed by the grass roots and moves within the plant to protect it from insect feeding. Grubs feeding on the roots of turf treated with Imidacloprid will stop feeding immediately.
For best control, make application prior to egg hatch of the target pests. Within 24 hours of application irrigation or rainfall should occur to move the Imidacloprid through the thatch into the turf root zone.
Target Specialty Products endeavours to offer our turf and ornamental customers in Canada, industry leading product and support solutions. Target Specialty products brings together the professional sales teams of Turfgrass Canada and Plant Health Division.